About Me

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I'm a Wife and a Mother to my two year old daughter who I get to stay at home with every day. I feel that God has blessed me in more ways then I can count, and I look for his guidence every day!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

santa baby...

So first thing this morning I was getting Natalie dressed for school and she was beside her self that she did not want to wear the dress I picked out for her. 
But in her words she called it a "costume" and she did not want to look like Santa.  Whats wrong with  looking like Santa???
Well any ways so she runs off to my room were Randy is still in bed and she is crying very loudly mind you.  So she wakes Randy up and he has no idea whats wrong and still a little foggy from just waking up but he tries his best to calm her down, but she was just not having it.  I explained the situation and he tried to tell her how pretty she was which just made it worse....
Well the mean mom that I am made her wear the cute little dress to school.
So when we got to school Ms. Brandi and Ms. Kelsey were telling her how cute she looked, but Natalie just started to cry.  I told them that we weren't talking about it... They just laughed and said OH OK..lol..
They said she did good the rest of the day but as soon as we got home I was going to put her down for a nap and I asked if she wanted to take the dress off??? 
I have never seen her try to get something off soo fast..
Needless to say NOT a happy camper :(
Randy decided to surprise us and get home early so we could go see Santa at the mall and have Miss Cake's Picture made.
So we get to the mall around 4:30 and when we get over to the Santa area they have already closed it off because Santa was going to take his break from 5-6..  JUST MY LUCK!
Having been through this before I knew not to leave or I would be at the verrrryyyyy end of the line and That wasn't happening for me. 
So we stayed put.....
as we were waiting I couldn't help but ease drop on the group of people in front of us.  (not like I had anything else to do for an hour and a half) SO any ways it was a mom and her 2 sons a daughter and her boyfriend.  The daughter just kept complaining about how she was tired and didn't want to wait. 
Well me and my big mouth informs her that Santa wasn't going to be back for an hour.  She was so not happy and neither was the mom for me telling her that.  (i guess they were trying to keep it a secret) oops not like it wasn't on the sign if you can read....
 So they begin to discuss what they were gonna do and I just had to open my mouth again (you would think I would have learned the first time) so I go on to tell them that my husband said there was a Santa at Home Depot since we were close they could go over there...This time I got a very dirty look from mom... sad thing is I was just trying to be helpful.  It was either that or tell her kid to shut up and quit being an ungrateful brat...but I chose to be nice. 
Well they decided to take their picture by the HUGE tree in the middle of the mall (i now you were dying to know that) but good for us because that meant we got to move up in line.. :) sneaky sneaky..lol
oh ya and her kids were like 14-18 years old!!  so glad my mom never made me do that!!! 
To the the end of the Story we waited the whole time 3rd in line, got to see Santa, and Natalie did AWESOME!!!  (Waiting and sitting in Santa's lap.) 

I was one proud mommy.  We even got a smile this year:)

Merry Christmas and HO HO HO

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